Sixth Form Open Evening
Our Sixth Form Open Evening for student intake in 2025 was held on Thursday 7 November 2024 in the Sixth Form Centre.
Watch the video below and read through all your options on this page before either contacting us if you have any further questions whilst making your application.
You will be able to view the following on this page :
- Links to courses
- Link to Subject Entry Requirements
- Expression of Interest for the new Ripley Scholarship
- Key dates for 2024-25 (to be added to)
- Online application form open until 9 December 2024
What happened on the evening
Keynote talks took place in the Chapel at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm delivered by our Acting Heads of School, Mrs Best and Mrs Benter.
In addition, members of staff and student representatives for each subject area were able to provide more information about entry requirements, content of the A-Level, assessment arrangements, and opportunities to deepen learning outside the classroom. Parents, carers and students were also able to find out more about what Ripley St Thomas has to offer at our enrichment fair in the Phythian Hall.
Members of the pastoral team were available in the Sixth Form reception area, as well as in the main school dining room, throughout the evening to answer any specific questions. Mr Chapman, Assistant Headteacher – Inclusion, was available for parents and students who may require additional support with their learning.
Refreshments were available in the main school dining room and sixth form dining room.
We enjoyed meeting you!
NEW Ripley Scholarships
To celebrate 160 years of our Outstanding School, we are offering students the opportunity to become a Ripley Scholar. From our inception, Ripley has been committed to serving the community and our school value of Service continues to underpin everything we do. Ripley Scholarships are worth up to £1,000 and are available in all Sixth Form subjects because we want our highly talented students to excel just as much in photography, music and art as they do in science, mathematics and history.
Students can apply to spend their Scholarship funding on items such as an iPad, text books and a travel pass. These items will be purchased through school then we achieve best value for money. Students will need to achieve at least 3 x 7+ grades at GCSE including in the subject of their Scholarship.
Those who have the necessary predicted grades and a successful application will be given a conditional offer to become a Ripley Scholar.
Deadline for applications is now closed for Ripley Scholarships.
Related Documents
Please click on the links below to download the relevant documents.
Document Name
Document Updated
Document Type
Expression of Interest for Ripley Scholarships | 11 Nov 24 |
Useful links
Key dates
Applications for Sixth Form open | Thursday 7 November 2024 |
Contact Us
Email sixthform@ripley.lancs.sch.uk and the Sixth Form team will be happy to help.