Leavers applying for University entrance 2025
Even though you have completed your education at Ripley St Thomas we can still support you through your UCAS application and provide your references.
The following information will guide you through the steps you need to follow:
- Email the Sixth Form tutor team on LeaversUCAS@ripley.lancs.sch.uk with details of your name, year of leaving Ripley, and the name of your previous personal tutor, requesting support. Please put ‘UCAS support for Leavers’ in the subject line.
- You will be sent a document with a request for information that will enable us to write your reference. Please complete, save, and return the document to the same email address.
- You will then be notified of the name and contact details of your referee.
- When starting your UCAS application, be careful to take note of your UCAS Personal ID, and any passwords or identifying questions and answers.
- Your personal statement will need to be completed. It should be 4000 characters with spaces and no longer than 47 lines. If you are re-applying based on resitting exams or other reasons, you will need to change your previous personal statement to account for this, explaining to universities why you are re-applying, and also what you have done during the interim year to support your new application.
- If you have notified us before 1st December that you are applying through UCAS, you will be sent the buzzword that will enable you to link your new UCAS application to Ripley. You must choose the group ‘ex-students’ when prompted to choose a tutor group. This will enable us to check through your application electronically, prompt you to make the payment to UCAS, add your reference, and send it to UCAS once complete.
You must stay in contact with your referee by checking for emails from them throughout the initial application process, as they will let you know when you need to add your personal statement, make a payment to UCAS, and submit your application. Lack of response may lead to missed deadlines!
- If you notify us that you are applying through UCAS after 1st December, you must apply as an independent student. This means your application is not linked to the school but you will complete it, add your personal statement, and once you have added the name and contact details of your referee, UCAS will contact them directly requesting that they complete your reference. You will be notified by UCAS when they have done this.
Please be aware that the completion of the application, finalising of the reference, and making further adjustments, can take several days so you should ensure you take this into consideration with your timings for making the application.
Please also note that current students will take priority when sending applications so your tutor referee will be very busy and responses are unlikely to be immediate.
- Applications for all 2025 entry UCAS Undergraduate courses, except those with the early applicant deadline of 15th October 2024, are 29th January 2025.
- The end of term is Friday 20th December 2024 and we return after Christmas on Monday 6th January 2025.
- Be aware that these term dates can affect how quickly your application can be dealt with in school.
- The tutor team need to be aware of your intended application no later than the end of November to ensure your application is submitted to UCAS prior to the deadline.