
Exam Guidance

This section provides downloads for guidance and important information as issued by the Joint Council for Qualifications.

Please scroll through any Exam related documents below and read JCQ Guidance for Students and Parents.

JCQ Information for Candidates

Results Days 2024

Results Days and Understanding your Results

Exam results will be available for collection on the following dates and times:

If you are unable to collect your results you may:-

  • Have them posted to you on 15 / 22 August (as appropriate), providing you leave a stamped addressed envelope with Mrs Macari in the exams office before the end of term.
  • Nominate a family member of friend to collect your results on your behalf. They must bring some ID with them together with a signed letter from you authorising them to collect the results on your behalf. 

No results will be given out by telephone or email under any circumstances.

Results slips not collected or posted on results day will be retained in school for collection at the start of term.

Information about exam results / grade boundaries can be found on the Awarding Body websites here:





Enquiries about Results/Access to Scripts

If you wish to have a review of marking or request the return of a script, you must complete the Post Results Services Form (PRS) which is available to download below.

The deadline for a Priority review of marking for A Level only is Thursday, 22 August.

All PRS forms must be returned to the Exams Officer, Mrs Macari, with the appropriate fee or payment made online.

Related Documents

Please click on the links below to download the relevant documents.