Our purpose, rooted in the Christian legacy of Thomas and Julia Ripley, is to ensure that our pupils can learn in a safe environment. Our vision is to strive for high standards for our pupils, maintaining ambitious and inspiring surroundings so that skills and knowledge can be developed academically, physically, creatively and spiritually. We aim to ensure that pupils are fully equipped for the future; grounded in faith, confident of their values, positive and ready both to contribute and lead. This means that:
- We will ensure that our pupils are our priority
- We believe that all pupils can be successful
- We will ensure that our pupils have opportunities to develop in body, mind and spirit
Our role is to provide support and challenge for the Principal. To do this we need to identify, evaluate and prioritise issues; to understand the values, aims and objectives of the school; to listen and to ask questions. We recognise the need to work as a team, making full use of our knowledge, skills and experience. This means that:
- We are all learners and we all have much to learn
- We always treat others with respect
- We will monitor school performance to ensure high levels are achieved and sustained
- We will acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses
- We will work as a team to ensure that key issues are monitored and evaluated
- We will develop a self-sustaining community that learns from each other and the best available external practice
Our responsibility is to ensure and maintain the Christian ethos of the school. We must also oversee the financial performance of the organisation, to ensure that its money is well spent. This means that
- We will monitor finances to ensure that the school remains financially sustainable
- We will maintain our premises to ensure the best possible learning environment
- We will ensure that the school environment is safe
- We will monitor staffing, training and support so that standards can continue to thrive
- We will uphold the school’s vision and the Church of England’s Vision for Education
We are keen to support each other within the school and to work with colleagues in other schools in the Bay Learning Trust to ensure that we are an effective, nurturing and thriving learning community.
If you wish to write to the Chair of Governors, please address your letter to Mrs J Hodgson c/o Ripley St Thomas CE Academy, Ashton Road, Lancaster LA1 4RS.
Minutes of Governor meetings are available on request.
Governing Body 2024-2025
Mrs Julie Hodgson
Chair of Governors
Co-opted Member
Mrs Hodgson had a long career as an HR professional with a large organisation covering the north of England. She currently works as a Senior Exam Invigilator for the Police College at Harrogate, Lancaster University and Ripley.
Term of Office: 27/09/19 – 31/08/27
Mrs Sally Kenyon
Executive Headteacher
Mrs Katie Benter
Acting Head of School
Mrs Helen Best
Acting Head of School
Miss Felicity Ackroyd
Vice Chair of Governors
Ripley Trust Representative
Miss Ackroyd is the Director of ITT for Ripley SCITT. She has 20 years of experience teaching in a range of sectors including primary, secondary, mainstream, independent, HEIs, SCITTs and Multi Academy Trusts. She has been a senior leader for almost twenty years and brings experience of ITE and developing early career teachers.
Term of Office: 21/04/22 – 20/04/26
Mr Simon Allan
Elected Parent Representative
Mr Allan has a background in exhibition and graphic design, and a career spanning more than 18 years in teaching and management roles in Further and Higher Education. He is currently Head of Educational Development at Lancaster University, with responsibility for learning and teaching-related staff development.
Term of office 28/02/23 – 27/02/27
Mrs Rosalind Buckland
Elected Staff Representative
Mrs Buckland studied technical graphics before starting a career as a commercial illustrator. She later returned to HE to study Information and Library Management which led her to work in public and HE libraries before moving to the secondary school sector.
Term of Office: 19/11/08 – 04/10/27
Mrs Alison Chapman
Co-opted Member
Mrs Chapman is the Appropriate Body Lead for Star Academies, working across the Star Teaching School Hubs in the North West. She has over 25 years of experience in teaching, working in secondary schools, HEIs, SCITTS and Multi Academy Trusts. Alison is an experienced school leader with a passion for developing teachers and leaders across all education settings.
Term of office: 01/09/23 – 31/08/27
Mrs Dawn Cheetham
Ripley Trust Representative
Mrs Cheetham has a business and finance background and is a director of a family business in Blackpool. She serves as a non-exec director of North and West Lancashire Chamber of Commerce and is also on the Board of Directors of the Bay Learning Trust. Christian faith is a cornerstone in her life with active involvement in the life of church and youth work.
Term of Office: 05/03/15 – 04/03/27
Mrs Rachel Dawson
St Thomas’ Church PCC Representative
Mrs Dawson is a secondary MFL teacher and a Head of Year. She has experience in Teaching and Learning, supporting student and staff wellbeing, data analysis and pastoral issues. She is an active church member and is committed to supporting the academy’s distinct Christian ethos.
Term of Office: 20/10/21 – 19/10/25
Mrs Jessica Fitton
Elected Parent Representative
Having previously worked as a SENDCO with responsibility for children with special educational needs and disabilities, Mrs Fitton now works for Blackpool Council overseeing the education of children in care. She supports schools to identify and remove barriers to learning and create safe and inclusive learning environments.
Term of Office: 26/02/24 – 25/02/28
Dr Philip Gager
St Thomas’ Church PCC Representative
Dr Gager is a retired University academic, involved in Teacher Education for over 30 years. He has a background in Mathematics, including Financial Mathematics, has an MBA qualification and was involved in University management.
Term of Office: 30/11/00 – 30/04/27
Revd Dr Louis Johnson
St Mary’s Church PCC Representative
Revd Johnson is the Associate Priest of The Priory in Lancaster. He read Music at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, and taught in the music departments at the universities of Liverpool, Cardiff and Bristol, before undertaking training for ordained ministry whilst also serving a three-year context-based placement with Liverpool Parish Church, Our Lady & St Nicholas.
Term of office 01/02/2024 – 31/01/2028
Stood down 11/09/2024
Mr Andrew Nicholson
St Mary’s Church PCC Representative
Mr Nicholson is now retired after a career in teaching. He taught for 25 years at Garstang High School and then, latterly, for 10 years at LRGS. He was churchwarden at Lancaster Priory, where he still serves on various committees and sings in the choir.
Term of Office: 01/09/21 – 31/08/25
Mrs Kate Potter
Elected Staff Representative
Mrs Potter has worked at Ripley St Thomas Academy since joining as an NQT in 2006. and has enjoyed various roles since then including Subject Leader for French, Subject Leader for Spanish, Subject Leader MFL, Lead Teacher for Teaching and Learning, Director for Sustainability, and now Assistant Head, with a focus on Christian Distinctiveness.
Outside of school, she has a busy life with a young family and she enjoys mountaineering, running (slowly), open water swimming and being outside in nature.
Term of Office 4/10/24 – 3/10/28
Revd Andy Woof
Co-opted Member
Rev Andy Woof serves as an Associate Pastor at Garstang Free Methodist Church. He has a BA Hons degree in Applied Theology and was ordained for ministry in the Free Methodist Church in 2015. Through his church work, as well as some previous involvement with local Christian organisations, Andy has been involved in leading or supporting a number of community projects in the local area.
Term of office 27/09/23 – 26/09/27
Governor Committees / Nominated Governors
Mrs K Benter (Acting Head of School)
Mrs H Best (Acting Head of School)
Mrs D Cheetham
Miss K Dennis (Facilities Manager)
Mrs J Hodgson
Mr P Mashiter (School Business Manager)
Mrs J Rees (Clerk)
Curriculum & Standards
Mr S Allan
Mrs H Best (Acting Head of School)
Mrs R Buckland
Mrs R Dawson
Mrs J Fitton
Rev A Woof
Mr J Rees (Clerk)
Admission of Pupils
Mrs K Benter (Acting Head of School)
Mrs D Cheetham
Mrs J Hodgson (Chair)
Mr A Nicholson
Mrs J Rees (Clerk)
Student Affairs
Mr S Allan
Mrs K Benter (Acting Head of School)
Mrs R Buckland
Mrs A Chapman
Mrs J Hodgson (Chair)
Mrs K Potter
Mr M Reynolds (Chaplain)
Mr P Wilson (Senior Assistant Headteacher)
Mrs J Rees (Clerk)
Nominated Governors with responsibility for:
Careers & Personal Development
Disadvantaged Pupils
Diversity and Equality
Faith and Ethos
Governor Training
Reading & Literacy
Safeguarding & Child Protection
Staff Wellbeing
Website Compliance
The Governing Body will establish Committees to deal with the following areas:
- Complaints Review
- Pupil Discipline
- Staff Discipline & Dismissal
- Staff Grievance
- Pay Appeals
Panels will consist of at least 3 members of the Governing Body, none of which will have had previous involvement in the matters brought before the Committee.
Bay Learning Trust
Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy is part of the Bay Learning Trust. Information regarding the Directors of the Trust can be found on the Trust website www.baylearningtrust.com
Related Documents
Please click on the links below to download the relevant documents.
Document Name
Document Updated
Document Type
Governor Register of Business Interests 2024-25 | 31 Jan 25 | |
Governor Attendance 2023-24 | 11 Jul 24 | |
Articles of Association | 25 Apr 18 | |
Memorandum of Association | 12 Jan 17 | |
LGB Scheme of Delegation | 25 Apr 19 |