Ofsted and SIAMS
“Outstanding in every aspect”
In December 2022, Ofsted inspected Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy and rated the school “Outstanding”.
This inspection was carried out by two of Her Majesty’s Inspectors and three additional inspectors.
As part of this graded inspection, inspectors carried out deep dives in the following subjects: art and design, English, history, mathematics, modern foreign languages and science. For each deep dive, inspectors met with curriculum leaders, visited some lessons, spoke with pupils, students and teachers. They looked at samples of pupils’ and students’ work. Inspectors also reviewed aspects of the curriculums in other subjects. They also met with the subject leaders in these subjects.
- Inspectors met with the principal, vice principals and other senior leaders.
- The lead inspector met with representatives of the board of trustees and the local governing board. The lead inspector also spoke with a representative of the local authority and the diocese.
- Inspectors considered the responses to Ofsted Parent View, including the freetext responses. Inspectors also considered the responses to Ofsted’s staff and pupil surveys.
- Inspectors checked on leaders’ safeguarding procedures, including the recruitment checks made on staff and governors. Inspectors met with leaders, those responsible for governance, staff, pupils and students to discuss the wider aspects of safeguarding. Inspectors also scrutinised a range of documentation pertaining to safeguarding.
- Inspectors observed pupils’ and students’ behaviour around school, at breaktimes and at lunchtimes. They spoke with them about behaviour and bullying.
Ripley St Thomas CE Academy Ofsted Report December 2022
In 2017, the SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report from the Church of England graded the Academy ‘Outstanding’ in every category and ‘Outstanding’ overall.
In his report, the Inspector, Rev’d Canon Stephen Harvey, wrote:
“The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy as a Church of England school are outstanding.
- A distinctively Christian vision and set of values are deeply embedded in the life of the school and have a profound impact on the lives, wellbeing and flourishing of learners and adults.
- The school’s leaders are deeply committed to the school as a church school. They articulate, from personal conviction and with confidence, a compelling Christian vision.
- Collective worship has a central place in the life of the school. It is of high quality and has a very significant impact on the lives and aspirations of the whole community.
- A very strong RE department is highly effective in promoting pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.”
We are delighted to be able to share with you that Ripley ITT Teacher Training has been judged to be Outstanding by Ofsted in their recent June 2023 report. Ofsted Inspectors reported that “trainees experience a first-class ITE curriculum at Ripley ITT. As a result, all trainees, including teacher apprentices, are exceptionally well prepared to assume their role as early career teachers (ECTs).”
Felicity Ackroyd, SCITT Director said:
“We are delighted that the inspection team recognised the excellent work that the Ripley ITT team, South Cumbria School Direct and our partner schools do to ensure exceptional training for teachers. Ripley ITT provides an essential service to the local community by providing excellently well- prepared teachers to local schools.
The Ofsted report identifies that ‘trainees flourish’ and ‘become influential and innovative practitioners, who are soon ready to take up leadership responsibilities’
We would like to thank the whole Ripley ITT partnership, including staff, governors, partner school staff, teacher apprentice partners and the trainees and teacher apprentices for their contribution to creating outstanding provision.
Related Documents
Please click on the links below to download the relevant documents.
Document Name
Document Updated
Document Type
Ripley St Thomas CE Academy Ofsted Report December 2022 | 31 Jan 23 | |
Ofsted Report 2011 | 07 Dec 11 | |
Ofsted Report 2017 (Ripley TSA) | 25 Sep 17 | |
SIAMS Reports 2017 | 28 Jun 17 |