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A Level Results Day

Results Day 2024 Results Days and Understanding your Results Exam results will be available for…


Our vision

We aim for all members of our Christian community to  flourish spiritually, academically and personally so that they can live life in all its fullness.

‘I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.’     

(John 10:10)

How we realise our vision

At Ripley, we realise our vision   through our Christian values of faith, hope, love and service. Our commitment to the Christian faith and these values helps create our harmonious, kind and  considerate school.

‘And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’

(1 Corinthians 13:13)

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming events and dates for the diary

A Level Results Day 8am-10am Phythian Hall, Sixth Form Centre

Results Day 2024

Results Days and Understanding your Results

Exam results will be available for collection on the following dates and times:

If you are unable to collect your results you may:-

  • Have them posted to you on 15  August (as appropriate), providing you leave a stamped addressed envelope with Mrs Macari in the exams office before the end of term.
  • Nominate a family member of friend to collect your results on your behalf. They must bring some ID with them together with a signed letter from you authorising them to collect the results on your behalf. 

No results will be given out by telephone or email under any circumstances.

Results slips not collected or posted on results day will be retained in school for collection at the start of term.

Information about exam results / grade boundaries can be found on the Awarding Body websites here:

AQA: www.aqa.org.uk/exams-administration/about-results

Edexcel: https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/support-for-you/results-for-students.html

OCR: www.ocr.org.uk/ocr-for/learners-and-parents/

WJEC: www.wjec.co.uk/students/

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GCSE Results Day and Sixth Form Enrolment 8.30am-10.00am Phythian Hall, Sixth Form Centre

GCSE Results Day 2024

Exam results will be available for collection on Thursday 22 August from 8.30-10.00 in the Phythian Hall.

If you are unable to collect your results you may:-

  • Have them posted to you on 22 August (as appropriate), providing you leave a stamped addressed envelope with Mrs Macari in the exams office before the end of term.
  • Nominate a family member of friend to collect your results on your behalf. They must bring some ID with them together with a signed letter from you authorising them to  collect the results on your behalf. 

No results will be given out by telephone or email under any circumstances.

Results slips not collected or posted on results day will be retained in school for collection at the start of term.

How to enrol into Sixth Form

Sixth Form enrolment opens at 8.30am on GCSE Results Day on Thursday 22nd August.

You must complete the online enrolment form by logging into Applicaa either at home or in school following receipt of GCSE results using the school’s application portal.

Enrolment should be made by 10am on Friday 23rd August. We will consider enrolment made after this time, subject to availability of places on courses. Sixth Form staff will be available in the Sixth Form Centre on Thursday 22nd August and Friday 23rd August to support students with this process and answer any questions you may have. You are also welcome to contact us via sixthform@ripley.lancs.sch.uk or call us on 01524 64496, extension 1070. Students may be required to take a phone call or attend an in-person meeting in the Sixth Form Centre on Friday 23rd or Tuesday 27th August to complete the enrolment process if there is a need for further discussion. Once you have submitted your enrolment form online, please keep checking your emails for further information.

The enrolment form will require you to check and confirm your personal details, and confirm your courses. Additionally, if you are coming to Ripley from a different school, you will need to enter your GCSE results and upload a copy/scan/photo of your GCSE results with the enrolment form. If you have not done so already, please ensure you update your profile picture with a clear photograph of yourself (head and shoulders) on a plain background.

You can change your subject choices at this stage provided you have met the subject entry requirements available on the website and application portal and they fit the option blocks on the form. The entry requirement is five GCSE passes at Grade 5 including Grade 5 at English Language and also meeting the individual course requirements in your chosen subjects.

You choose three subjects, one from each of three option blocks leaving two columns free. Further Mathematics and Music A level are courses which can be taken as a fourth subject.

Further details about how to complete the enrolment form can be found here: Ripley-Student-Enrolment-Guide.pdf

Year 12 studies begin on Tuesday 3rd September. Lessons will start at 8.40am on that day so you should come with the Bridging Units work in all your subjects (see previous section on Bridging Units).

Sixth Form Dress Code Please see information regarding the Sixth Form dress code here: Dress Code for The Sixth Form at Ripley from September 2024

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Ripley ITT

Do you want to train to be a primary or secondary teacher?

Then Ripley SCITT could be your route into teacher training. As a trainee teacher on the Ripley SCITT Programme you will spend a much greater proportion of time in school than you would on a traditional PGCE programme and the curriculum will be delivered by outstanding teachers who work in our partnership schools.

Ripley SCITT