Ripley Wellbeing
We continue to try to refine our systems and offer pupils, their parents and staff, support in lots of different ways during difficult times.
From left to right: Ripley St Thomas CE Academy staff Mr P Wilson, Mr Quarry, Mrs R Newsham, Miss L Johnson (Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead) and Chaplain Michael Reynolds are all qualified as Mental Health First Aiders for the Ripley community. Miss Roberts and Mr R Wilson are also undergoing the training currently.
MHFAs are trained to offer a deeper understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect people’s wellbeing, including depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, psychosis, and substance misuse. As well as spotting triggers and signs of mental health issues, they offer non-judgmental listening, support and early intervention but are also trained to respond to individuals in crisis who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts, self-harming behaviour, panic attacks or reactions to traumatic events.
They offer a strictly confidential listening service and can provide signposting to further help if needed. They do not judge or diagnose, and they hope to reduce the stigma around mental ill health in school communities.
For more information please see https://mhfaengland.org/ and https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week
A – Z of Wellbeing
Our A-Z of Wellbeing on Google Drive includes 95 wellbeing topics and website links to further information. All resources are printable for each topic too. The idea was to have everything in one place and there will be topics and resources added at a later stage.
These resources are aimed at different age groups from younger pupils to parents. We hope you find them very useful.
Services for Young People and Families
The following PDF file contains a full list of 32 links to websites, email addresses and contact numbers for organisations supporting mental health and wellbeing for families, children and young adults.
Related Documents
Please click on the links below to download the relevant documents.
Document Name
Document Updated
Document Type
Mental Health and Wellbeing Services for Young People and Families | 06 Feb 23 |
Wellbeing Links
Student Wellbeing Matters over lockdown
Our Wellbeing Matters newsletters were a welcome addition to help us stay on the straight and narrow, mentally and physically, keeping in touch and offering support.
We shared lots of positive ideas and information to help support everyone’s mental wellbeing and health, particularly during these challenging and difficult times.
If you would like to respond to any of the articles, share any ideas or get in touch, you can email us at: wellbeingmatters@ripley.lancs.sch.uk.
Have a look at some of the past Student Wellbeing Matters from last year.
The newsletter was emailed directly to students and made available on Firefly as well as here. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for PDF copies alongside some very valuable wellbeing links.
Related Documents
Please click on the links below to download the relevant documents.
Document Name
Document Updated
Document Type
Student Wellbeing Matters 19 July 2021 | 19 Jul 21 | |
Summer Self-Care Booklet | 19 Jul 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 28 June 2021 | 28 Jun 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 26 May 2021 | 26 May 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 5 May 2021 | 05 May 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 14 April 2021 | 15 Apr 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 24 March 2021 | 25 Mar 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 10th March 2021 | 10 Mar 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 24 Feb 2021 | 24 Feb 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 10 February 2021 | 10 Feb 21 | |
Student Wellbeing Matters 27 Jan 2021 | 27 Jan 21 |