Year 7 pupils reach for the stars

On Thursday 28th September, every Year 7 pupil in school had the exciting opportunity to experience deep space when we welcomed Lancaster University PhD students Alex Walker and Pascale Desmet and their 'Planetarium' to Ripley St Thomas.

This is something that had originally been planned for the week before lockdown. We are delighted that our pupils finally had the opportunity to see this and explore Physics in a different way, especially from specialists such as Alex, who is a Theoretical Physicist and Pascale, an Observational Physicist.


The groups were given a close eye view and talk of the planets, moons, galaxies and nebulas throughout the day inside the domed blackness of the Lancaster University Planetarium and many eager questions were asked. Year 7 groups thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to covering these topics in their science lessons this year.


“We are really pleased to offer this excellent opportunity to our pupils. Science at Ripley is about bringing out the scientist in everyone and we believe nurturing a sense of wonder about space is a great way to achieve this and enhance our Year 7 curriculum.”

Mr Lewis English, Teacher of Physics.