Year 7 French Spelling Bee success
The languages department at Ripley are currently taking part in the Routes into Languages National French Spelling Bee. This involves class heats and then a final at Ripley in February with 3 finalists going through to the semi-finals in Liverpool at the end of March.

Year 7 Spelling Bee
The Spelling Bee focuses on key vocabulary from the Year 7 course, much of which pupils were introduced to last term, as well as the use of the French alphabet. It involves pupils saying and spelling as many words as they can in French in one minute.
All of our Year 7 pupils have been working really hard in their French lessons learning, memorising and practising the spellings and it’s been fantastic to see how much progress has been made. The pupils collecting the most points for the most words spelt correctly in one minute within their teaching group have advanced to the next stage and received their certificates and prizes this week. PHOTO
For stage 2, pupils will receive an additional 100 words to learn and will compete again on Monday 19th February to try and secure a place in the top 3 who will go forward to the regional finals in Liverpool in March. Pupils can continue using Quizlet to revise the stage 1&2 words as well as a new site called Sanako.
Thank you for your support in helping your children learn and practise the words. Congratulations to all the winners so far on their hard work and efforts and good luck for the next stage!