Year 12 Biologists visit to Chester Zoo
This week saw us take our A level biologists on our inaugural trip to Chester Zoo.

This was the most wonderful opportunity for pupils to consolidate their recent studies in evolution, biodiversity and conservation.
The day was split into two halves: In the morning, pupils explored the zoo in groups, discovering for themselves how individual species evolve to fill specific ecological niches.
In the afternoon, pupils were provided with two academic workshops. The first covered classification, including the important role of morphology. We worked to group animal families according to skull shape. The second session was a walking guide through the three types of speciation. Pupils were able to see first-hand how this process gives rise to the huge biodiversity of our ecosystems.
A quick stop in the gift shop on the way out and back to school for 5pm. A superb day that we will certainly hope to replicate again next year.
“As someone who has never been to a zoo before, this trip was phenomenal! One thing I appreciated about Chester Zoo was how much space all the animals got, I did not notice one enclosure looking cramped. To me, that shows that the zookeepers and staff prioritize the animals’ wellbeing. I think I can speak for most of us Biology students that we all had a great time exploring the zoo with our friends. It was definitely worth it!”.
Alexis, Year 12 Biology student