World Book Day 2025

Last week, as part of our #WorldBookDay celebrations, all staff and pupils in Year 7 & 8 were invited to wear a WBD Tie Sticker to share their favourite villain from a book and participate in 'The Masked Reader'.

The tie stickers acted as a prompt to strike conversations with everyone about their favourite baddies, reading and all things bookish.

The Masked Reader
23 amazing staff members have kindly taken part in this year’s The Masked Reader which is now live on FireFly > Libraries > The Masked Reader. We are encouraging pupils to enter the competition to guess who the Masked Readers are! There are 15 Easter Eggs to be won and entry forms are available from the Reading Room.

Thank you to Mrs Buckland and Mrs Bracey for all their hard work in encouraging our pupils and students to keep reading!
#themaskedreader #WorldBookDay