Talented Year 8 use their skills

Every summer term, Year 8 pupils take part in the Parable of the Talents initiative, and very recently held their celebration assembly.

Each pupil had been given £1 as a ‘talent’ based on the parable of the talents and,  by focusing on whatever talent God has given to us the best we can, were expected to raise funds in some way from this initial  £1 investment.

Each  form nominated charities to receive the funds  and then a final charity was chosen from shortlisted charities. These were Cancer Research, Motor Neurone Disease Association, Alzheimers Society, Young Minds and St Johns Hospice.

We are delighted to share our funds raised this year, with Cancer Research UK. The final total raised was a staggering £2744.31, beating last years amount.

The top form was 8Cameron with £498.29, no doubt boosted by the Platinum award efforts of Bethany French who raised £330.50 on her sponsored mountain bike ride!

Huge congratulations to all of Year 8 who invested so much time, energy and faith in the project in such inventive ways. We acknowledged the immense effort involved for them to achieve their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum certificates.