Ripley Remember the Fallen
Our Ripley community joined together on Monday 11th November to remember the fallen in conflicts around the world.

Years 8-13 and their teachers, watched, via a live zoom link into their classroom, Ripley Combined Cadet Force parading to the front of school, while Year 7 gathered to watch them outside. Meanwhile, staff in classrooms read out the following to their groups in a timely fashion:
“We are standing at this time on this special day to remember all those who have given their lives for our country in both world wars and in many other conflicts around the world.”
“Let us pray together:
Heavenly Father, we remember with gratitude all those who gave up their lives in the service of this country, especially those from this school and city. We pray for those who still grieve their loss and mourn their passing. We pray for those who continue to serve our country in areas of conflict across the globe. We pray for their safety and for their families at home who wait anxiously for news. We bring to you our troubled and divided world. We pray for world leaders, that they will seek and pursue peace for the good of all people. Amen.”
Cornet and trumpet musicians, Artie (Year 7), Isaac, Imogen and Megan (Year 9), George (Year 11) and Benedict (Year 12) were posted in different locations around the school site to play ‘The Last Post’ in synchronisation at 10.59am, before 2 minutes silence and ‘The Reveille’ was sounded at 11.02am.
A wreath was laid below the Roll of Honour to the Old Boys who served in the war of 1914-1918 and also below the plaque of Liam McLaughlin, a scholar of the school who was killed on active service in Afghanistan on 3rd March 2007.
Pupils were nothing but respectful and dignified throughout the event and returned to their normal lessons, reflecting on such a sombre, defining moment.
‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them’.