Ripley Cadets excel in Promotions and Awards
Ripley Combined Cadet Force held their annual presentation on the lovely sunny early evening of 27 September where Mrs Walmsley, Mr Sim and guest Squadron Leader Crawley presented promotions and awards to our 90+ cadet group.

Promotions are a way of rewarding cadets for their service, their own efforts, their willingness to accept responsibility and show a capacity to do more. Read below for the full list.
Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) rank is the highest an active cadet is able to achieve and we are delighted for Fergus and Isaac (above) to have been promoted to this level.
Cadet Flight Sergeant (CFS) Hill Promoted to CWO
Cadet Flight Sergeant (CFS) Ripley Promoted to CWO
Cadet Flight Sergeant (CFS)
Cadet Sergeant (CS) Gilding Promoted to CFS
Newly promoted Cadet Flight Sergeant Gilding also received an “Outdoor First Aid” certificate – effectively trained to the same level of adult CFAVs (top photo with Mrs Walmsley)
Cadet Sergeant (CS)
Cadet Corporal’s (Cpl’s) Wakeman, Troughton, Vasey-Saunders, Blackstone – all promoted to CS
Corporal (Cpl)
A Squadron Cadet Lance Corporal’s Armstrong, Feaks, Rimmer – promoted to Cpl
B Squadron Cadet Lance Corporal’s L Adamus, McCarten-Bevington, Hamersley, Blundell – promoted to Cpl
Lance Corporal (LCpl)
A Squadron Cadets Burgess, M Adamus, McGregor, Murray, Pasztor, Wiggins, Duffy – promoted to LCpl
B Squadron Cadets Knowles, Hill, Packer, Sayers, Rooney, Dean, Wilson – promoted to LCpl
Cadet Achievement Award (featured image)
Cadet LCpl Damien McKeever received this new annual award which goes to a cadet (who is nominated by their fellow cadets and staff) showing the most achievement in the academic year.
Other awards
Summer awards, from Silver Leadership, First Aid Courses, end of Syllabus Training awards (1st Class, Leading & Senior), plus Summer Camp awards and a mixture of Silver Trained Shot badge for live firing the L98 5.56mm cadet rifle to meet the standards required. One cadet achieved a 35mm grouping on the first time firing the rifle. Some of the following cadets also achieved the Essential First Aid badges on the same camp or our training in June.
1 = St John’s Essential First Aid (3 hour training)
2 = Blue Trained Shot on Air Rifle
3 = Silver Trained Shot on L98 Cade 5.56 Rifle
4 = Bronze Musician (passed level 5 music exam)
5 = Silver Leadership
6 = First Class Classification
7 = Leading Cadet Classification
8 = Senior Cadet Classification
9 = Method of Instruction Lanyard (allowed to instruct other cadets)
L Adamus (1,3) M Adamus (1,3) Armstrong(1,3,7) Blundell( 1,3,7) Burgess (1,6) Dean (1,3) Duffy (1,6) Feaks (1,2,7) Gilding (1,3,5,8) Hamersley (1,3,7) Knowles (1,2,7) McCarten-Bevington (1 ,3,5,7) McGregor (1) McKeever (1,2,7) Murray (1,2,7) Nemeth (1,2,7) Odipe (1,2,6) Okomus (1,3) Packer (1,3) Pasztor (1,3) Peters (1) Pollitt (1,3) Rimmer (1,3) Ripley (1,5) Rooney (1,3) Sayers ( 1,2) Shaw (1,6) Troughton (1,8) Turner (1,2) Vasey-Saunders (1,2,8,9) Wakeman (1,3,5,8) Wiggins (1,3,7) Wilson (1,2,7)
NUCO Emergency First Aid a Work, 6 hours training.
Armstrong, Blundell, Burgess, Dean, Feaks, Duffy, Hamersley, Knowles, McCarten-Bevington, McKeever, Murray, Nemeth, Odipe, Okumus, Rimmer, Rooney, Packer, Pasztor, Peters S, Sayers, Shaw, Wiggins, Vasey-Saunders, Wilson.
We are very proud of the whole Force and would like to thank Mrs Walmsley, Mr Sim and Squadron Leader Crawley for their time. We especially thank WO(RAFAC) McAlister and Mrs H McAlister and Pilot Officer/Contingent Commander Atkinson for their huge commitment to our cadet force as well as all parent/staff volunteers who help to keep the CCF running and of such a high standard. If you would like to help please contact us!