PSHE Day on March 21st
Our 4th PSHE day of the academic year was held on Monday 21 March, when the school timetable for each year group changed to focus on themes relating to Personal, Social, Health and Economic education.

This week Year 7 considered employability, how to choose a career, undertook a Blind Awareness walk with each other and a Heroes Art workshop.
Relationships and bullying, forming positive relationships and commitment was on the Year 8 timetable while Year 9 had a visit from the Message Trust who talked with them about health and sex education covering consent, STI’s and self-examination.
Year 10 meanwhile considered the very on-topic theme of UK and the wider world, discussing and reflecting on the United Nations and the Commonwealth, migration, global conflict resolution and humanitarian issues. As part of this they supported #RunforUkraine, where they ran the length of Ukraine to help raise money. They covered the distance of 346.4 miles between them, each collecting sponsorship prior to the event.
The Year 11 schedule included preparation for the world – networking, online reputation, transferable skills, building resilience and abusive behaviours were on discussion throughout the day.
Meanwhile in Sixth Form, Year 12 undertook a First Aid session with Ms Atkinson, looked at degree apprenticeships, sexual health and choosing universities while Year 13 concentrated on student finance and transition to university.
Busy, enlightening day for everyone all round and well received judging by some of the parent comments received today…“Can I thank you for the sessions run by the “Respect me” group on PSHE day for D in Year 11 and J in Year 9. They both thought that the sessions were engaging, interesting, helpful and informative and that the speakers were brave to talk about their own personal experiences in the way that they did. Many thanks again for talking of these issues from a Christian viewpoint, which both of our children appreciated.”