Pen pals en la France
Mrs Berry recently made contact with the Sasserno International School in Nice, to help set up a pen pal system with Ripley pupils.

Through a parent, Ripley MFL department made links with an English teacher there in September and they have set up pupil pen pals for all Year 10 and some Year 9 and 11 pupils.
Ripley pupils wrote in French to their French peers introducing themselves and were eagerly awaiting their replies (letters as in the photos!). They are now working on sending a second letter back describing Ripley and the English school system as well as sharing how we celebrated Christmas.
Pupils were really excited to get their letters back (French pupils wrote in English) and be paired up with a pupil of similar age and interests. It’s a great chance for them to practise their written French as well as learn about life in the South of France.
#ripleylanguages #lycéesasserno