La comida está deliciosa!

Mrs Potter had a gastronomic feast in store for some of our A level Spanish students today. They have been studying the autonomous regions of Spain and the ‘gastronomia’ of each region – so why not taste test?

They were introduced to a platter of tapas tipicas:

Chorizo de Leon: a Spanish dry cured pork sausage seasoned with garlic and paprika from the region of Castilla de Leon in north west Spain

Jamon de serrano: Spanish cured ham from pigs of the ‘sierras’ or mountains

Queso Manchego: traditional Spanish cheese crafted from the milk of Manchego sheep

Aceitunas verdes: green olives – from the Arabic ‘az-zaytunas’ – fruit of the olive tree. Spain produces more olives than any other country

Tortilla de patatas: authentic Spanish recipe combining egg, potato, onion, olive oil and salt.

Many were new taste sensations for some of our students but all tried the tapas and the verdict was thumbs up to a new taste experience: ‘la comida está deliciosa!’