Holly’s star cheerleader ambitions #aspire24/7
Y7 pupil Holly Kerr is a member of a Cheerleader group and has big ambitions for 3 years time. #aspire24/7 is our campaign to promote and celebrate the aspirations and activities of pupils outside of school.

How did you get involved in cheerleading?
I started Cheerleading at Bay Stormers (baystormers@hotmail.com) when I was 6 years old in 2016. I joined because my older cousin Charlotte was there too. I also got involved in gymnastics at a gym in Salt Ayre. I would stretch my splits and do back flips and then as I got in cheerleading more I was prepared and could do all sorts of things.
How often do you train and what does your training involve?
I train twice a week, once on a Tuesday for 1.5hours in my group that is called Eclipse and I do tumble training on a Thursday for an hour to help improve my tumbles. I manage to fit in homework so far.
Tell me some of your personal achievements…
I do 3-4 competitions every year and I have a collection of 13 medals. In Dec 2021 I did a competition at the Blackpool Winter Gardens with the BCA (British Cheerleading Association), in January 2022 at Manchester with ICC (International Cheerleading Coalition) and recently on 12 Feb at Manchester GMEX with FC Heart of England (Future Cheer). My team came 3rd in half term but had placed 1st and 2nd previously.
How big is your group?
There are 20 of us in a team. You need to be fit and have good rhythm. The coach is in charge of the music and routines.
How and why is cheerleading different from other forms of gymnastics and acrobatic sports?
Cheerleading is a group sport and you need each other to be able to compete. Your whole group need to work together. A routine might only be 2 minutes but it’s lots to remember with 20 people. You do need a good level of fitness and I can do the splits which does help.
What are your sporting ambitions?
My club have been to the Cheerleading World in Florida before and will be going again this year. I would love to go there one day and cheer with my club so I am looking at hopefully being there in 3 year’s time.
What would you say to other young people who may be interested?
You should really join a club, it’s fun, it helps with making friends and it’s a good team activity. It’s also really good at keeping you fit and your mind healthy too. There’s lots to remember with routines and never boring.
We are really impressed with Holly’s dedication to Cheerleading and will watch her progress with support and interest for the future. Look out Florida!