Exemplary Young Leaders receive their Archbishop’s Award

Over 280 of last year's year 7 pupils successfully completed their Archbishop's Young Leaders Award in July and were rewarded with a celebration event in the school chapel where they were presented with their AYLA certificates, pin badges and pens by Clair Kitching, Schools Partnership Lead for AYLA.

All pupils took part in 5 different volunteering activities: at least one litter pick around the school site; a collection for our local food bank, the Olive Branch; raising awareness of a local charity for the visually impaired through a guided blindfold walk and homework; sending a bespoke Easter card to someone in a local residential home; and their final project was completely up to them to plan, carry out and evaluate.


There are far too many to include online but here are some photos and links to a few of their amazing projects:


Alec B raised £230 for Animal Care by cycling 101 miles over 6 weeks
Arianna P raised money for a local charity by selling home-grown plants
Ethan H washing cars to raise money for the Olive Branch food bank
Charlotte P reveals the huge amount of work in which she got involved
Lucie L’s phenomenal bake sale
Sid F completed his sponsored bike ride
Violet H finishes another session helping out with a primary school age dance class
Year 7 pupils take part in a sponsored car wash
Year 7 boys at the Olive Branch Food Bank