Archbishops Young Leaders Award
The Archbishop of York’s Youth Trust (ABYYT) was established over 12 years ago by the then Archbishop of York, John Sentamu. Since then it has worked with some 130,000 young people aged five to 18 at more than 1,000 schools through its Young Leaders Award.

Here at Ripley, all Year 7 pupils undertake the award throughout their first year in secondary school. This award equips children and young people in character education, builds their leadership skills and faith development, and empowers them to undertake a variety of transformational social action projects in their local communities.
On Friday 14th July, 282 Year 7 pupils gathered in the School Chapel to celebrate their success in gaining the prestigious Archbishop of York Award. We welcomed and thanked Clair Kitching, Schools Partnership Lead from the Archbishops Young Leader Award (AYLA) as guest speaker to present the awards. This was a double ceremony on a very special day for the school, as we also remembered Founders Day too.
The vast majority gained the award at the highest possible level. One pupil, Jacob Sutton, has also been awarded the Archbishop’s Special Commendation for 2023 because of his tireless dedication to maintaining high standards of work and effort throughout the course in year 7 and his infectious enthusiasm for RE and this award. His year was topped off nicely with his final Archbishop of York project of a cake sale and sponsored walk which helped raise over £200 for an educational charity that helps school children in Kenya.
The Archbishop of York Award is given for taking part in and organising 5 volunteering projects that have benefitted the school and their local community. These have ranged from litter picks to raising food for the Olive Branch Easter appeal. Pupils must also demonstrate an ongoing development of key team-working and Christian leadership skills throughout the year.
“I would like to thank all pupils for showing an extra level of commitment to being the change they want to see in the world. Congratulations for their final projects, which I hope will encourage them in future to continue to be positive change-makers in their local community and beyond.”
Mr I Russell
Archbishop of York Award Coordinator and Teacher of RE