80th anniversary of D-Day at Lancaster Castle
On Thursday 6 June, Ripley Combined Cadet Force were invited to bring a small honour guard to the local celebrations on the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Ripley CCF, the Lancaster attachment of Army Cadets, Sea Cadets and Royal British Legion, formed an honour guard for veterans inside Lancaster Castle before and after the speeches and Castle beacon lighting. After the speeches, the group walked round to Lancaster Priory for the Morecambe Brass Band concert and then moved outside to be honour guards for the official Priory beacon lighting.
Dignitaries included The Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire and his Deputy, The High Sheriff of Lancashire, The Mayor of Lancaster and Lord Shuttleworth. As the only school-based unit, we were also delighted that Lance Corporal George Baxter was asked to play the general salute for the Lord Lieutenant.
Photo credit: Jane Huddleston