Featured News

Annie Stars!

MAODS has always been well supported by our pupils and alumni outside of school and…


Our vision

We aim for all members of our Christian community to  flourish spiritually, academically and personally so that they can live life in all its fullness.

‘I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness.’     

(John 10:10)

How we realise our vision

At Ripley, we realise our vision  through our Christian values of faith, hope, love and service. Our commitment to the Christian faith and these values helps create our harmonious, kind and  considerate school.

‘And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’

(1 Corinthians 13:13)

Find out more about Ripley

The academy demonstrates excellence in all aspects of its work

Download Prospectus

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events and dates for the diary

Spring Concert 7pm-9.30pm School Hall
Music exchange to Hattingen, Germany 26 -30 March 2025 Hattingen, Germany
Y13 Information Evening 6pm Sixth Form Centre

Ripley ITT

Do you want to train to be a primary or secondary teacher?

Then Ripley SCITT could be your route into teacher training. As a trainee teacher on the Ripley SCITT Programme you will spend a much greater proportion of time in school than you would on a traditional PGCE programme and the curriculum will be delivered by outstanding teachers who work in our partnership schools.

Ripley SCITT