Year 7
The Year 7 Team
Mrs Burr is the Progress Leader for Year 7 and Mrs Slinger and Mr Barton are Assistant Progress Leaders.
As Progress Leaders for Year 7 it is our privilege to support our pupils as they begin their Ripley journey. We understand that transition to high school is a significant milestone for every young person and we will do all that we can to make sure that their transition goes smoothly.
During their first year our pupils will have many new experiences, there is no need to worry about these as we will be there, along with their progress tutors, to help at every step of the way. It is important that they tell us about any worries they may have as these are often unfounded and they can soon be put at ease.
“ We want all our pupils to settle and feel at home at Ripley so that they will be able to go on to achieve their full potential. It is a delight each year to watch our pupils flourish throughout their first year. They often begin the year feeling nervous and apprehensive but as they settle in, develop new friendships and get involved both in their learning, and the co-curricular activities they become confident young people ready to progress to year 8 and beyond. ”