Beacon Awards for Year 9

“The Beacon Award” is a project for all year 9 pupils aimed at awarding excellent achievement and effort throughout the year.

The three focus areas are:

• Charity & Community – all about the effort put into charity fundraising in and out of school and the contribution to community activities such as volunteer or church work

• Academic Progress – designed to recognise grades each half term and reward individual effort in lessons and homework

• Personal Challenge – achievements in and out of school in areas such as music, sport and clubs

There are 4 awards at Bronze, Silver and Gold level together with the Special Achievement Award. This is a certificate awarded to those pupils who have done something ‘above and beyond’ either in the whole Beacon section or in an individual activity. For example if they have raised a huge amount of money in a particular charity event or achieved outstanding grades across the year.

We were delighted to hold our Awards ceremony in the chapel on Wednesday 3 July and present Year 9 pupils with their certificates and special awards for this academic year.

Well done to all the pupils who have achieved so much over the year.#BeaconAward#year9beaconaward#SpecialAchievement